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15. Defining Syntax

1. Introduction

In this chapter, I am going to explain how to define your own syntax. User define syntax is called macro. The macro of the Lisp/Scheme is much more powerful than that of other languages such as the C. Macro makes your program beautiful and tight.

Macro is a transformation of codes. Codes are transformed before being evaluated or compiled, and the procedure continues as if the transformed codes are written from the beginning.

In the Scheme, simple macros can be defined easily by using syntax-rules which is defined in the R5RS, while macro definition of the Common Lisp is complicated. By using the syntax-rules, you can define macros in a direct way without worrying about variable captures. On the other hand, defining complicated macros that cannot be defined using the syntax-rules is more difficult than that of the Common Lisp.

2. Examples of Simple Macros

I will show simple macros as examples.

[code 1] shows a macro that assigns '() to a variable.

[code 1]

(define-syntax nil!
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x)
     (set! x '()))))
The second argument of the syntax-rules is a list of the pair of the expressions before and after the transformation. The _ represents the name of the macro. In short, [code 1] means that the expression (nil! x) is transformed into (set! x '()).

Such kind of procedures cannot be written by functions, because functions cannot affect the variable outside due to the closure. Let's write the function version of the [code 1] and see what happens.

[code 1']

(define (f-nil! x)
   (set! x '()))
(define a 1)
;Value: a

(f-nil! a)
;Value: 1

;Value: 1           ; the value of a dose not change

(nil! a)
;Value: 1

;Value: ()          ; a becomes '()

I will show another simple example. Let's write a macro when, in which several expressions are evaluated when the predicate is true.

[code 2]

(define-syntax when
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (if pred (begin b1 ...)))))
The ... in the [code 2] represents arbitrary number of expressions (including 0). [code 2] indicates that the expression
(when pred
is transformed to
(if pred
. This macro also cannot be written by a function because this is transformed into the special form if. Following shows how to use the when.
(let ((i 0))
  (when (= i 0)
    (display "i == 0")
i == 0
;Unspecified return value
I will show two practical macros; while and for. The while evaluates the body while the predicate is true. The for evaluates the body if the number is in the range.

[code 3]

(define-syntax while
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (let loop () (when pred b1 ... (loop))))))

(define-syntax for
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (i from to) b1 ...)
     (let loop((i from))
       (when (< i to)
	  b1 ...
	  (loop (1+ i)))))))
Following shows how to use them.
(let ((i 0))
  (while (< i 10)
    (display i)
    (display #\Space)
    (set! i (+ i 1))))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
;Unspecified return value

(for (i 0 10)
  (display i)
  (display #\Space))
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 
;Unspecified return value

Exercise 1

Write a macro in that several expressions are evaluated when the predicate is false. (it is the opposite of the when.)

3. More about the syntax-rules

3.1. Defining several patterns

The syntax-rules can define several patterns. For instance, the macro that increments the value of a variable, incf increments the value of the variable by one if only the variable name is given, and by value if variable name and the value are given. The macro incf can be defined by writing several transformation patterns like [code 4].

[code 4]

(define-syntax incf
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x) (begin (set! x (+ x 1)) x))
    ((_ x i) (begin (set! x (+ x i)) x))))
(let ((i 0) (j 0))
  (incf i)
  (incf j 3)
  (display (list 'i '= i))
  (display (list 'j '= j)))
(i = 1)
(j = 3)
;Unspecified return value

Exercise 2

Write a macro decf that subtracts a value from the variable. If the decrement value is omitted, it subtracts one form the variable.

Exercise 3

Improve the for shown in the [code 3] to accept a step width. If the step width is omitted, it is 1.

3.2. Recursive definition of macros

Forms or and and are macros and defined recursively like as follows.

[code 5]

(define-syntax my-and
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) #t)
    ((_ e) e)
    ((_ e1 e2 ...)
     (if e1
	 (my-and e2 ...)

(define-syntax my-or
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_) #f)
    ((_ e) e)
    ((_ e1 e2 ...)
     (let ((t e1))
       (if t t (my-or e2 ...))))))
Some of complicated macros can be defined using recursive definitions.

Exercise 4

Define let* by yourself.

3.3. Using reserved words

The first argument of the syntax-rules is a list of reserved words. For instance, cond is defined like [code 6], in which else is a reserved word.

[code 6]

(define-syntax my-cond
  (syntax-rules (else)
    ((_ (else e1 ...))
     (begin e1 ...))
    ((_ (e1 e2 ...))
     (when e1 e2 ...))
    ((_ (e1 e2 ...) c1 ...)
     (if e1 
	 (begin e2 ...)
	 (cond c1 ...)))))

4. local syntax

Local syntax can be defined using let-syntax and letrec-syntax in the Scheme. The usage of these forms is similar to that of the define-syntax.

5. Implementation Depending Macro Definition

The syntax-rules cannot define some kinds of macros. The way of defining such macros is prepared in Scheme implementations. You can skip this section as it is heavily depend on the implementations.

In the case of the MIT-Scheme, The sc-macro-transformer is available for such purpose, which allows to write macros in a similar way to taht of the Common Lisp. See the Common Lisp HyperSpec. about what ` , ,@ are. See MIT-Scheme manual about sc-macro-transfomrer and make-syntactic-closure. [code 7] shows simple examples.

[code 7]

(define-syntax show-vars
   (lambda (exp env)
     (let ((vars (cdr exp)))
	    ,@(map (lambda(v)
		     (let ((w (make-syntactic-closure env '() v)))
		     `(list ',w ,w)))

(define-syntax random-choice
   (lambda (exp env)
     (let ((i -1))
       `(case (random ,(length (cdr exp)))
	  ,@(map (lambda (x)
		   `((,(incf i)) ,(make-syntactic-closure env '() x)))
		 (cdr exp)))))))

(define-syntax aif
   (lambda (exp env)
     (let ((test (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (second exp)))
	   (cthen (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (third exp)))
	   (celse (if (pair? (cdddr exp))
		      (make-syntactic-closure env '(it) (fourth exp))
       `(let ((it ,test))
	  (if it ,cthen ,celse))))))
The first macro show-vars is to show values of variables.
(let ((i 1) (j 3) (k 7))
  (show-vars i j k))
((i 1) (j 3) (k 7))
;Unspecified return value
The form (show-vars i j k) is expanded like as follows. As macro can return only one expression, The begin is required to return sets of expressions.
    (list 'i i) (list 'j j) (list 'k k)))

The second macro random-choice is to select a value or procedure randomly from the arguments.

(define (turn-right) 'right)
(define (turn-left) 'left)
(define (go-ahead) 'straight)
(define (stop) 'stop)

(random-choice (turn-right) (turn-left) (go-ahead) (stop))
;Value: right
The form is expanded like as follows:
(case (random 4)
  ((0) (turn-right))
  ((1) (turn-left))
  ((2) (go-ahead))
  ((3) (stop)))
The third macro aif is an anaphoric macro. The result of the predicate can be refereed as it. The variable it is captured by letting the second argument of make-syntactic-closure be '(it).
(let ((i 4))
  (aif (memv i '(2 4 6 8))
       (car it)))
;Value: 4
Following shows the expansion.
(let ((it (memv i '(2 4 6 8))))
  (if it
      (car it)

6. A Primitive Implementation of the Structure

The structure can be implemented by a simple macro shown in [code 8]. The reality of the structure defined here is a vector and accessors and setters functions are created automatically by the macro. If your favorite Scheme implementation does not have structures, you should implement them by yourself.

[code 8]

01:     ;;; simple structure definition
03:     ;;; lists of symbols -> string
04:     (define (append-symbol . ls)
05:       (let loop ((ls (cdr ls)) (str (symbol->string (car ls))))
06:         (if (null? ls)
07:     	str
08:     	(loop (cdr ls) (string-append str "-" (symbol->string (car ls)))))))
10:     ;;; obj -> ls -> integer
11:     ;;; returns position of obj in ls
12:     (define (position obj ls)
13:       (letrec ((iter (lambda (i ls)
14:     		   (cond
15:     		    ((null? ls) #f)
16:     		    ((eq? obj (car ls)) i)
17:     		    (else (iter (1+ i) (cdr ls)))))))
18:         (iter 0 ls)))
21:     ;;; list -> integer -> list
22:     ;;; enumerate list items
23:     (define (slot-enumerate ls i)
24:       (if (null? ls)
25:           '()
26:         (cons `((,(car ls)) ,i) (slot-enumerate (cdr ls) (1+ i)))))
28:     ;;; define simple structure 
29:     (define-syntax defstruct
30:       (sc-macro-transformer
31:        (lambda (exp env)
32:          (let ((struct (second exp))
33:                (slots  (map (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (car x) x)) (cddr exp)))
34:     	   (veclen (- (length exp) 1)))
36:            `(begin   
37:     	  (define ,(string->symbol (append-symbol 'make struct))   ; making instance
38:     	    (lambda ls
39:                   (let ((vec (vector ',struct ,@(map (lambda (x) (if (pair? x) (second x) #f)) (cddr exp)))))
40:     		(let loop ((ls ls))
41:     		  (if (null? ls)
42:     		      vec
43:     		      (begin
44:                            (vector-set! vec (case (first ls) ,@(slot-enumerate slots 1)) (second ls))
45:     			(loop (cddr ls))))))))
47:     	  (define ,(string->symbol (string-append (symbol->string struct) "?"))  ; predicate
48:     	    (lambda (obj)
49:     	      (and
50:     	       (vector? obj)
51:     	       (eq? (vector-ref obj 0) ',struct))))
53:     	  ,@(map
54:     	     (lambda (slot)
55:     	       (let ((p (1+ (position slot slots))))
56:     		 `(begin
57:     		    (define ,(string->symbol (append-symbol struct slot))    ; accessors
58:     		      (lambda (vec)
59:     			(vector-ref vec ,p)))
61:     		    (define-syntax ,(string->symbol                           ; modifier
62:     				     (string-append
63:     				      (append-symbol 'set struct slot) "!"))
64:     		      (syntax-rules ()
65:     			((_ s v) (vector-set! s ,p v)))))))
66:     	     slots)
68:     	  (define ,(string->symbol (append-symbol 'copy struct))      ; copier
69:     	    (lambda (vec)
70:     	      (let ((vec1 (make-vector ,veclen)))
71:     		(let loop ((i 0))
72:     		  (if (= i ,veclen)
73:     		      vec1
74:     		      (begin
75:     			(vector-set! vec1 i (vector-ref vec i))
76:     			(loop (1+ i)))))))))))))
Following shows the usage:
You can define a structure by giving slot names only or slot names and default values.
;;; Defining a structure point having 3 slots whose defaults are 0.0.
(defstruct point (x 0.0) (y 0.0) (z 0.0))
;Unspecified return value

(define p1 (make-point 'x 10 'y 20 'z 30))
;Value: p1

(point? p1)
;Value: #t

(point-x p1)
;Value: 10

;;; Default values are used for unspecified values when an instance is made.
(define p2 (make-point 'z 20))
;Value: p2

(point-x p2)
;Value: 0.

(point-z p2)
;Value: 20

;;; Changing a slot value
(set-point-y! p2 12)
;Unspecified return value

;;; The reality of the structure definde by [code 8] is a vector
;Value 14: #(point 0. 12 20)

;;; Defining a structure 'book' with no default values.
(defstruct book title authors publisher year isbn)
;Unspecified return value

(define mon-month 
  (make-book 'title  
	     "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering"
;Value: mon-month

;Value 15: #(book 
"The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering" 

(book-title mon-month)
;Value 13: "The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering"

7. Summary

I have explained about the macro in the Scheme briefly. Macros make your programs elegant.

The syntax-rules makes it easy to write macros. Writing macros of the Common Lisp, on the other hand, requires certain skill.

Answers for the Exercises

Answer 1

(define-syntax unless
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ pred b1 ...)
     (if (not pred)
	   b1 ...)))))

Answer 2

(define-syntax decf
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ x) (begin (set! x (- x 1)) x))
    ((_ x i) (begin (set! x (- x i)) x))))

Answer 3

(define-syntax for
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ (i from to) b1 ...)
     (let loop((i from))
       (when (< i to)
	  b1 ...
	  (loop (1+ i)))))
    ((_ (i from to step) b1 ...)
     (let loop ((i from))
       (when (< i to)
	  b1 ...
	  (loop (+ i step)))))))

Answer 4

(define-syntax my-let*
  (syntax-rules ()
    ((_ ((p v)) b ...)
     (let ((p v)) b ...))
    ((_ ((p1 v1) (p2 v2) ...) b ...)
     (let ((p1 v1))
       (my-let* ((p2 v2) ...)
		b ...)))))