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12. Symbols

1. Introduction

I will explain about data type symbol which is characteristic to Lisp/Scheme programming languages. Symbols are data that manage strings by their addresses. Symbols can be treated by fast functions such as eq?, while bare strings should be treated by slow functions such as equal?. As symbols can be compared quickly, they are used as keys for association lists and hash tables, which I will explain in the next chapter.

2. Basic functions for symbols

Followings are basic functions for symbols.
(symbol? x)
It returns #t when x is a symbol.
(string->symbol str)
It converts str to a symbol. The str should be lower-cased otherwise addressing system may not work properly.
In the MIT-Scheme, (string->symbol "Hello") and 'Hello are different.
(eq? (string->symbol "Hello") 'Hello)
;Value: ()

(eq? (string->symbol "Hello") (string->symbol "Hello"))
;Value: #t

(symbol->string  (string->symbol "Hello"))
;Value 15: "Hello"
(symbol->string sym)
It converts sym to a string.

3. Counting words in a text

Following code shows a program that counts words in a text, which is frequently used as an example of using symbols. This program uses a hash table and association lists, which are explained in the next chapter.
01:     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
02:     ;;;   wc.scm
03:     ;;;   a scheme word-count program
04:     ;;;
05:     ;;;    by T.Shido
06:     ;;;    on August 19, 2005
07:     ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
09:     (define (list->symbol ls0)
10:       (string->symbol (list->string (reverse! ls0))))
12:     (define (char-in c . ls)
13:       (let loop((ls0 ls))
14:         (if (null? ls0)
15:             #f
16:           (or (char=? c (car ls0))
17:               (loop (cdr ls0))))))
19:     (define (read-words fname)
20:       (with-input-from-file fname
21:         (lambda ()
22:           (let loop((w '()) (wls '()))
23:             (let ((c (read-char)))
24:     	  (cond
25:     	   ((eof-object? c)
26:                 (reverse! (if (pair? w)
27:                               (cons (list->symbol w) wls)
28:                             wls)))
29:     	   ((char-in c #\Space #\Linefeed #\Tab #\, #\.  #\ #\( #\) #\= #\? #\! #\; #\:)
30:                 (loop '() (if (pair? w)
31:                               (cons (list->symbol w) wls)
32:                             wls)))
33:     	   (else
34:     	    (loop (cons (char-downcase c) w) wls))))))))
36:     (define (sort-by-frequency al)
37:       (sort al (lambda (x y) (> (cdr x) (cdr y)))))
39:     (define (wc fname)
40:       (let ((wh (make-eq-hash-table)))
41:         (let loop((ls (read-words fname)))
42:           (if (null? ls)
43:               (sort-by-frequency (hash-table->alist wh))
44:             (begin
45:              (hash-table/put! wh (car ls) (1+ (hash-table/get wh (car ls) 0)))
46:              (loop (cdr ls)))))))
(wc "opensource.txt")
((the . 208) (to . 142) (a . 104) (of . 103) (and . 83) (that . 75) (is . 73) (in . 65) (i . 64)
(you . 55) (it . 54) (they . 48) (for . 46) (what . 38) (work . 37) (but . 35) (have . 32) (on . 32)
(people . 32) (are . 30) (be . 29) (do . 29) (from . 27) (so . 26) (like . 25) (as . 25) (by . 24)
(source . 24) (not . 23) (open . 23) (can . 23) (we . 22) (was . 22) (one . 22) (it's . 22) (an . 21)
(this . 20) (about . 20) (business . 18) (working . 18) (most . 17) (there . 17) (at . 17) (with . 16)
(don't . 16) (just . 16) (their . 16) (something . 15) (than . 15) (has . 15) (if . 15) (when . 14)
(because . 14) (more . 14) (were . 13) (office . 13) (own . 13) (or . 12) (online . 12) (now . 12)
(blogging . 12) (how . 12) (employees . 11) (them . 11) (think . 11) (time . 11) (company . 11)
(lot . 11) (want . 11) (companies . 10) (could . 10) (know . 10) (get . 10) (learn . 10) (better . 10)
(some . 10) (who . 10) (even . 9) (thing . 9) (much . 9) (no . 9) (make . 9) (up . 9) (being . 9)
(money . 9) (relationship . 9) (that's . 9) (us . 9) (anyone . 8) (average . 8) (bad . 8) (same . 8)
line function comment
09 (list->symbol ls0) Converting a list of characters (ls0) to a symbol.
12 (char-in c . ls) Checking if a character (c) exists in a list (ls). Returning #t if it exists otherwise #f.
19 (read-words fname) Reading a file named fname and returning a list of symbols. The function converts caps to lowers and converts a list of characters (w) to a symbol and adds it to a list of symbols (wls).
36 (sort-by-frequency al) Sorting association lists (al) by frequency of appearance in descending order.
39 (wc fname) It reads a file named fname and returns a sorted association list by frequency in descending order. As the function uses symbol, eq-hash-table is applicable which uses fast eq? to compare keys (line 40). The function counts words in the list of words created by read-words and stores in a hash table (lines 44–46). It converts the hash-table to a association list and sorts it when the counting has been finished (line 43).

4. Summary

Symbol is a characteristic data type of Lisp/Scheme and is used to analyze text (such word count, parsing, so on), because fast functions are available for this data type.