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10. Immutable classes

1. Introduction

Classes whose instances are immutable is called immutable class. In the pre-defined classes, BOOL, CHAR, INT, FLT, etc. are immutable.

2. Simple example of immutable classes

Let's define POINT, a class of two dimensional coordination, as an immutable class (code 1). The way of assigning the attributes is somehow different from that of conventional classes, as the instances are immutable.

[code 1]

01:     -- a simple immutable class
03:     immutable class POINT < $STR is   -- declare immutable 
04:        readonly attr x,y:FLT;         -- declare read only attributes
06:        create(x0,y0:FLT):SAME is      -- the initiation is different from that of conventional ones.
07:           res:SAME;                   -- memory allocation by 'new' is not required
08:           res:=res.x(x0);             -- this is the way of assigning the attributes 
09:           res:=res.y(y0);
10:           return res;
11:        end;
13:        is_eq(p:SAME):BOOL is          -- defining operator '=' 
14:           return x=p.x and y=p.y;
15:        end;
17:        plus(p:SAME):SAME is           -- defining '+' 
18:           return #SAME(x+p.x, y+p.y);
19:        end;
21:        minus(p:SAME):SAME is          --  operator '-' 
22:           return #SAME(x-p.x, y-p.y);
23:        end;
25:        times(n:FLT):SAME is           -- operator '*' 
26:           return #SAME(x*n, y*n);
27:        end;
29:        div(n:FLT):SAME is             -- operator '/' 
30:           return #SAME(x/n, y/n);
31:        end;
33:        negate:SAME is                 -- unary operator '-' 
34:           return #SAME(-x, -y);
35:        end;
37:        abs:FLT is
38:           return (x*x+y*y).sqrt;
39:        end;
41:        rotate(theta:FLT):SAME is       -- rotation
42:           theta := y.atan2(x)+theta;
43:           return #SAME(self.abs*theta.cos, self.abs*theta.sin);
44:        end;
46:        str:STR is                      -- convert to string
47:           return "(" + x.str +"," + y.str +")";
48:        end;
49:     end;
51:     class MAIN is
52:        const pi:FLT:= FLT::pi;         -- circle ratio
53:        const fout:STR:="point.out";    -- output file name
55:        rz_polygon(a:ARRAY{POINT}, zoom, theta:FLT):ARRAY{POINT} is  -- zoom and rotate a polygon
56:           a1:ARRAY{POINT}:=#(a.size);
57:           loop
58:     	 a1.set!(a.elt!.rotate(theta).times(zoom));
59:           end;
60:           return a1;
61:        end;
63:        out2file(a0,a1:ARRAY{POINT}) is           -- output two polygons, one before and one after the operation rz_polygon to the file
64:           f:FILE:=FILE::open_for_write(fout);
65:           p0,p1:POINT;
66:           i:INT;
67:           loop
68:     	 i:=(a0.size+1).times!;
69:     	 if i = a0.size then i:=0; end;
70:     	 p0:=a0[i];
71:     	 p1:=a1[i];
72:     	 f + p0.x + "\t" + p0.y + "\t" + p1.x + "\t" + p1.y + "\n";
73:           end;
74:           f.close;
75:        end;
77:        main is
78:           p0:POINT:=#(0.0,1.0);
79:           a0:ARRAY{POINT}:=#(3);
81:           loop                            -- making a equilateral triangle by rotation of (0.0, 1.0) by 0, 120, and 240 degrees
82:     	 a0.set!(p0.rotate(3.times!.flt*2.0*pi/3.0));
83:           end;
85:           out2file(a0, rz_polygon(a0, 2.0, pi/12.0));  -- output the original triangle and zoomed and rotated one (x 2, 15 degree)
87:        end;
88:     end;
Figure 1 shows the result plotted by the gnuplot.

Fig. 1: Original triangle (red) and one after zooming (x 2) and rotation (15 degree) (blue).

3. Summary

Instances of immutable classes are operated faster than those of conventional ones. As a result, a class that makes many instances should be defined as a immutable class from the aspect of efficiency.

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