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14. GUI

1. Introduction

Sather has an interface to Tk, which means that you can write GUI programs easily if Tcl/Tk has been installed in your system.

Even the function is not so rich as the developing pace of Sather is slow, it is many enough to make typical GUI applications. The performance of Sather/Tk is much better than those of Tcl/Tk or Python/Tk because the code of Sather/Tk is compiled to a native code through a C code.

2. Where you can find the document and demo script.

You can find the document of the GUI tool at $SATHER_HOME/Doc/Gui/Doc.fmk.ps. Another document is at Sather Class Index The description of these documents, however, is somehow different from that the Sather compiler does. As a result, you should check the source code, which you can find under $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui.

You can find demo scripts under $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui/Demos. On the 2nd page of Doc.fmk.ps, you can find a table of program names and class names of the main function. For instance, you can compile pizza.sa like:

sacomp -gui -main PIZZA_MAIN -o pizza pizza.sa
You need the -gui flag to compile a GUI program. The executable is produced even many warnings appear during compilation. When you run pizza, a widget shown in Fig. 1 appears. It calculates pizza prices when you select the type, size and topping.

Figure 1: The widget of pizza.

3. Hello World!

[code 1] shows a GUI version of the Hello World! program.

[code 1]: tkhello.sa

01:     -- a simple Tk hello world.
03:     class MAIN is
04:        include GUI_UTIL;  -- include it and then just define init to write a GUI program
06:        init is
07:           label::=#TK_LABEL(root_window,TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text("Hello World!")); -- explained in later section /span>
08:        end;
09:     end;
Compile and execute then you get a widget like Fig. 2.
$ sacomp -gui tkhello.sa -o tkhello
$ ./tkhello

Figure 2. A simple Hello World written in Sather/Tk.


Parameters and methods for GUI programming (Table 1) are defined in GUI_UTIL. What you have to do is just define init by yourself.

Table 1. Variables and methods defined in GUI_UTIL.
Method or Variables Explanation
(stab) init You should write it by yourself.
root_window The top level widget.
packer to pack widgets. same as TK_PACK::create.
quit_routine a ROUT to terminate
main You do not have to touch it usually.
startup_gui to make widgets. seldom used.
gui_loop to wait events seldom used.

3.2. Widget class

Sather has several widget classes such as TK_LABEL and TK_BUTTON. These widget classes are the subclass of the $TK_WIDGET. In sather, classes for widget and those for configuration are separated. An instance of a widget class are created with some specification such as the parent widget, configuration, and placing. These specification can be omitted. In the case of [code 1], placing is omitted as only one widget exists. See $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui/widget.sa for detailed information.

3.3. Widget config class

The widgets are configured by their own configuring classes. For instance, the instances of TK_LABEL are configured by TK_LABEL_CFG. The std method of the configuring class is almost same as the create. The text method is to specify the text on the label.

4. Placing widgets

I am going to explain how to place the widgets in this section. I will explain about the TK_BUTTON class as well.

Figure 3 shows a label with a button. By pressing a TOGGLE button, the text color and the background are toggled.

Fig. 3. Another Hello World. The text color and the background are toggled by pressing a toggle button.

[code 2] shows the source code (button_hello.sa).
01:     -- a simple Tk hello world with toggle button.
03:     class MAIN is
04:        include GUI_UTIL;
06:        private attr label:TK_LABEL;              -- The Hello World label.
07:        private attr label_config:TK_LABEL_CFG;   -- An instance of the label configuring class.
08:        private attr black_foreground:BOOL;          -- true if black text
10:        toggle is                         -- to toggle black and white
11:           if black_foreground then
12:     	 label.configure(label_config.foreground("white").background("black")); -- use the configure method to alter the configuration
13:     	 black_foreground:=false;
14:           else 
15:     	 label.configure(label_config.foreground("black").background("white"));
16:     	 black_foreground:=true;
17:           end;
18:        end;
20:        init is                           -- initializing method
21:           label_config:=#;
22:           label:=#(root_window, 
23:     		label_config.text("Hello World!").padx(6.0).pady(6.0).foreground("black").background("white"),
24:     		packer.top_grow_horiz_n_vert.anchor(TK_ANCHOR::center));
25:           frame::=#TK_FRAME(root_window, packer.bot);
27:           button1::=#TK_BUTTON(frame,
28:     			  TK_BUTTON_CFG::std.text("EXIT").padx(6.0).pady(6.0),
29:     			  packer.left);
30:           button1.command(quit_routine);
32:           button2::=#TK_BUTTON(frame,
33:     			  TK_BUTTON_CFG::std.text("TOGGLE").padx(6.0).pady(6.0),
34:     			  packer.right);
35:           button2.command(bind(toggle));
36:           black_foreground:=true;
37:        end;
38:     end;

4.1. TK_PACK

The TK_PACK is to place widgets. The packer is a pre-defined instance of this class defined in the GUI_UTIL, which means that you can used the packer. just after importing the utility class.

The TK_PACK class has methods shown in Table 2.

Table 2: Methods of TK_PACK.
Method Explanation
top to place on top of.
top_grow_horiz to place on top and expand horizontally
top_grow_horiz_n_vert to place on top and expand horizontally and vertically
top_n_grow_vert to place on top and expand vertically
bot to place on bottom
bot_grow_horiz to place on bottom and expand horizontally
bot_grow_horiz_n_vert to place on bottom and expand horizontally and vertically
bot_n_grow_vert to place on bottom and expand vertically
left to place left side.
left_grow_vert to place left side and expand vertically
left_grow_vert_n_horiz to place left side and expand horizontally and vertically
left_n_grow_horiz to place left side and expand horizontally
right to place right side.
right_grow_vert to place right side and expand vertically
right_grow_vert_n_horiz to place right side and expand horizontally and vertically
right_n_grow_horiz to place right side and expand horizontally and vertically
external_padding(x, y:FLT) to configure the margin
internal_padding(x, y:FLT) to configure the paddings.
anchor(a:TK_ANCHOR) to fine tune the position


The TK_ANCHOR is to fine tune the position when the exact position can not be determined by the TK_PACK uniquely.
Table 3: Methods of TK_ANCHOR
center to put in the center
n to put on top
nw to put at top-left
w to put left side
sw bottom-left
s bottom
se bottom right
e right
ne top right

For instance, the label created by [code 2] expand horizontally and vertically and the text (Hello World) is always placed in the center as shown in Fig. .4.

Figure 4. The Hello World widget after expansion.


The TK_FRAME is to make a group of widgets. In [code 2], I use it to group two buttons (lines 25, 27 and 32).


The TK_BUTTON is to create a button. The command method defines the function that is called by pressing the button. The parameter of the command is a ROUT with no argument and no return value (see lines 30 and 35 of [code 2]).

5. Using radio buttons

Figure 5 shows the Hello World widget with radio buttons (see also [code 3]). You can select the text color and background color using the radio buttons.

Figure 5. The Hello World program with radio buttons.
You can select the text color and the background color by the radio buttons.

[code 3]

01:     -- a simple Tk hello world with radio buttons.
03:     class MAIN is
04:        include GUI_UTIL;
06:        private const fgcolors:ARRAY{STR}:=|"white","black", "red", "blue", "yellow"|;                     -- text color
07:        private const bgcolors:ARRAY{STR}:=|"whitesmoke", "dimgray", "salmon", "skyblue", "lightyellow"|;  -- background color
08:        private attr label:TK_LABEL;
09:        private attr label_config:TK_LABEL_CFG;
10:        private attr fg:TK_VAR;
11:        private attr bg:TK_VAR;
13:        config_label is
14:           label.configure(label_config.foreground(fg.query).background(bg.query));
15:        end;
17:        rbuttons(name:STR, colors:ARRAY{STR}, fr:TK_FRAME, v:TK_VAR, default:STR) is  -- The method to make a set of radio buttons.
18:           s:STR;
19:           r::=#TK_LABEL(fr, TK_LABEL_CFG::std.text(name), packer.top);
20:           loop
21:     	 s:=colors.elt!;
22:     	 b::=#TK_RADIO(fr, 
23:     		       TK_RADIO_CFG::std.text(s).variable(v).val(s), 
24:     		       packer.top.anchor(TK_ANCHOR::w));
25:     	 b.command(bind(config_label));
26:     	 if s=default then b.select; end;                                    -- set the default button
27:           end;
28:        end;
31:        init is
32:           label_config:=#;
33:           fg:=#;
34:           bg:=#;
35:           label:=#(root_window, 
36:     	       label_config.text("Hello World!").padx(6.0).pady(6.0).foreground("black").background("white"),
37:     	       packer.top_grow_horiz_n_vert.anchor(TK_ANCHOR::center));
38:           frame::=#TK_FRAME(root_window, packer.bot);
40:           -- creating radio buttons
41:           fconfig:TK_FRAME_CFG:=TK_FRAME_CFG::std.borderwidth(3.0).relief_ridge;      
42:           rbuttons("foreground", fgcolors, #TK_FRAME(frame, fconfig, packer.left), fg, "black");   -- making a set of radio buttons for text color
43:           rbuttons("background", bgcolors, #TK_FRAME(frame, fconfig, packer.right), bg, "whitesmoke"); -- for the background
44:        end;
45:     end;

5.1. TK_VAR

This is a variable used in TK_RADIO and TK_CHECK. It is converted to a string by query method.


Radio button. Use command to configure the function when the button is selected.


It is to configure the TK_RADIO. It sets the TK_VAR (where the variable method stores a value) and the string (where the value method stores the text).

6. A canvas version of the Hello World program

Following shows a simple example of TK_CANVAS A widget like Fig. 6 appears when the program shown in [code 4] (canvas_hello.sa) is executed. The Hello World string moves to the position at mouse left click. In addition, the text color turns red when the mouse is on the string.

Figure 6. Hello World with TK_CANVAS. The string moves to the position where the mouse left clicked.

[code 4] canvas_hello.sa

01:     -- a simple Tk hello world with Tk canvas
03:     class MAIN is
04:        include GUI_UTIL;
06:        private attr cvs:TK_CANVAS;
07:        private attr tag:TK_CANVAS_TAG;
08:        private attr atag:ARRAY{TK_CANVAS_TAG};
10:        mv(a:TK_EVENT_INFO) is                          -- moving the text by mouse left click
11:           cvs.delete(tag);                             -- deleting the original text
12:           x,y:INT;
13:           a.mouse_coordinates(out x, out y);           -- getting mouse position
14:           cvs.draw_text("Hello World! @(" + x + "," + y + ")",
15:     		    x.flt, y.flt, atag, TK_CTEXT_CFG::std.fill("navy"));   -- showing the new text there.
16:        end;
18:        rd(a:TK_EVENT_INFO) is
19:           cvs.text_configure(tag, TK_CTEXT_CFG::std.fill("red"));  -- turning the text color red
20:        end;
22:        nv(a:TK_EVENT_INFO) is
23:           cvs.text_configure(tag, TK_CTEXT_CFG::std.fill("navy"));  -- turning the text color navy
24:        end;
26:        init is
27:           dummy:$OB:=void;       -- it is required to show the title on the title bar
28:           TK_WINDOW_MGR::title(root_window, "Hello World! on Tk Canvas");   -- showing the title on the title bar
29:           tag:=#;
30:           atag:=#(|tag|);
31:           cvs:=#(root_window,                  -- creating a canvas without scroll bars
32:     	     TK_CANVAS_CFG::std.background("cornsilk").hscroll(false).vscroll(false).scroll_region(0.0,0.0,200.0,200.0)); 
33:           cvs.draw_text("Hello World! @(100.0,100.0)", 100.0, 100.0, atag,TK_CTEXT_CFG::std.fill("navy"));  -- to draw Hello World at (100,100)
34:           cvs.bind_event(TK_BUTTON_EVENT::B1, bind(mv(_)));  -- mv is called by mouse left click
35:           cvs.bind_event(TK_EVENT::Widget_enter, tag, bind(rd(_)));  -- rd is called when mouse is on the string
36:           cvs.bind_event(TK_EVENT::Leave, tag, bind(nv(_)));  -- nv is called when mouse leave the string
37:        end;
38:     end;


The TK_CANVAS and TK_CANVAS_CFG are to create and to configure canvas widgets. You can draw ellipses, lines, rectangles, polygons and strings on the canvas. See $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui/canvas.sa for detailed.

6.2. Objects on the TK_CANVAS

The objects on the TK_CANVAS has its own configuring class as shown in Table 4.

Table 4. The configuration classes of widgets on the canvas.
Object Config Classes
ellipse TK_OVAL_CFG
polygon TK_POLY_CFG
rectangle TK_RECT_CFG


The TK_EVENT, TK_BUTTON_EVENT, and TK_KEY_EVENT are bound to mouse moving, mouse button click, and key press, respectively. See $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui/events.sa for detail.


Functions bound by bind_event have type ROUT{TK_EVENT_INFO}.
TK_EVENT_INFO has several methods such as mouse_coordinates(out x, out y) to get the mouse position. See also $SATHER_HOME/Library/System/Gui/events.sa.


The TK_WINDOW_MGR is to add title on the title bar. See lines 27 and 28 of [code 4].

7. Tk Text

Finally, I will explain on the Tk_Text using a simple program to show file contents ([code 5], tkmore.sa). You will get a widget like Fig. 7. by executing the program.

Figure 7. Showing file contents using TK_TEXT.

[code 5] tkmore.sa

01:     -- a simple Tk version more
03:     class MAIN is
04:        include GUI_UTIL main->;
06:        private attr s,fn:STR;
08:        main(av:ARRAY{STR}) is        -- modify main to have arguments
09:           if av.size=2 then
10:     	 fn:=av[1];              -- open the file whose name is given by av[1]
11:     	 f::=FILE::open_for_read(fn);
12:     	 if f.error then
13:     	    #ERR + "Cannot open " + fn +"\n";
14:     	    UNIX::exit(1);
15:     	 else
16:     	    s:=f.str;            -- read the contents
17:     	    f.close;             -- and close it
18:     	    GUI_APP_END::startup;
19:     	    init;
20:     	    GUI_APP_END::main_loop;
21:     	 end;
22:           else
23:     	 #ERR + "Usage: tkmore FILENAME\n";
24:           end;
25:        end;
27:        init is
28:           dummy:$OB:=void;
29:           TK_WINDOW_MGR::title(root_window, fn);     -- show the title on the title bar
30:           txt::=#TK_TEXT(root_window, TK_TEXT_CFG::std.hscroll(false).background("ivory")); -- making TK_TEXT without horizontal scroll bar
31:           txt+s;   -- use '+' to show the contents
32:        end;
33:     end;

The program is fast and convenient.

$sacomp -gui -o tkmore tkmore.sa
$./tkmore tkmore.sa

8. Summery

Even the function of Sather/Tk is limited comparing with those of Tcl/Tk and Python/Tk (Tkinter), you can write simple GUI programs. The advantage of Sather/Tk is that the execution is fast and that code is concise comparing with C, C++ and (many others). See Sather Class Index for detailed information.

Download and play with the code shown in this chapter.

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