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7. Abstract Classes

1. Introduction

An abstract class is a block of codes that declares methods, which is comparable to the interface of Java. You can build implementation-free-relations among classes using the abstract classes. You can re-use your codes using this feature.

As shown in The Online Sather Code Browser, most of inheritances are done using abstract classes and conventional ones are used only at the end of the inheritance.

You can make a flexible data type by combining the abstract classes and parametrized classes which I mention in the next chapter.

2. Example: encrypted communication

I will explain the feature using an encrypted communication. The encrypted communication should have at least two methods, encrypt and decrypt. I will make a abstract class named $CRYPT which declares the two methods. You can implement cypher algorithms that inherit $CRYPT by using some encryption algorithm such as AES, DES, RC4 and so on.
[code 1] shows a simple encrypted communication.

Encryption algorithm should have at least two methods, encrypt and decrypt.
An abstract class $CRYPT is defied in the [code 1] and these two methods are declared in it. For simplification, I just define two algorithms: one is PLAIN which does nothing. The other is XOR which output a XOR-ed stream from the input and the key.
I defined another abstract class named $MESSAGE which have two methods, send and receive. Finally, I defined two communication methods, one is USUAL which uses plain text and the other is IMPORTANT which uses cypher. [code 1]

01:     -- an example of abstract class; $CRYPT and $MESSAGE
04:     -- algorithm for cryptogram
05:     abstract class $CRYPT is      -- The abstract class for cypher algorithm. The names of the abstract classes starts with $ and consists of all capital.
06:        encrypt(s:STR):STR;        -- method for encryption
07:        decrypt(s:STR):STR;        -- for decryption
08:     end; -- end $CRYPT
10:     -- cipher message
11:     abstract class $MESSAGE is    -- The abstract class of message
12:        send(s:STR):STR;
13:        receive(s:STR):STR;
14:     end; -- end $MESSAGE
16:     -- Plain text
17:     class PLAIN < $CRYPT is      -- do nothing algorithm.
18:        create:SAME is
19:           return new;
20:        end;
22:        encrypt(s:STR):STR is
23:           return s;
24:        end;
26:        decrypt(s:STR):STR is
27:           return s;
28:        end;
29:     end; -- end PLAIN
31:     -- Simple XOR cryptogram
32:     class XOR < $CRYPT is           -- the XOR algorithm
34:        private attr keylist:ARRAY{INT};
36:        create(key:STR):SAME is
37:           return new.init(key);
38:        end;
40:        private init(key:STR):SAME is
41:           keylist:=#(key.size);
42:           loop
43:     	 keylist.set!(key.elt!.int);   -- store the key as an array of integer
44:           end;
45:           return self;
46:        end;
48:        private key_rotate!:INT is         -- It return the next element when called.
49:           i:INT:=0;
50:           n:INT:=keylist.size-1;
51:           loop
52:     	 yield keylist[i];
53:     	 if i=n then
54:     	    i:=0;
55:     	 else
56:     	    i:=i+1;
57:     	 end;
58:           end;
59:        end;
61:        encrypt(s:STR):STR is
62:           fs:FSTR:=#(s.size);  -- FSTR is mutable strings
63:           loop
64:     	 fs := fs + s.elt!.int.bxor(key_rotate!).char;    -- appending the XOR-ed character at the end of fs.
65:           end;
66:           return fs.str;
67:        end;
69:        decrypt(s:STR):STR is           -- In the XOR algorithm, encryption and description procedures are same.
70:           return encrypt(s);
71:        end;
72:     end; -- end of XOR
74:     partial class MESSAGE < $MESSAGE is    -- defining the common part of message
75:        stub cry:$CRYPT;                    -- encryption algorithm, should be defined in child classes.
77:        send(s:STR):STR is
78:           return cry.encrypt(s);
79:        end;
81:        receive(s:STR):STR is
82:           return cry.decrypt(s);
83:        end;
84:     end; -- end MESSAGE
86:     -- Plain Message
87:     class USUAL < $MESSAGE is
88:        include MESSAGE;
89:        private const cry:PLAIN:=PLAIN::create;  -- cannot use #PLAIN here.
91:        create:SAME is
92:           return new;
93:        end;
94:     end; -- end USUAL
96:     -- Cipher Message 
97:     class IMPORTANT < $MESSAGE is
98:        include MESSAGE;
99:        private attr cry:XOR;
101:        create(key:STR):SAME is
102:           return new.init(key);
103:        end;
105:        private init(key:STR):SAME is
106:           cry:=#(key);
107:           return self;
108:        end;
109:     end; -- end IMPORTANT
111:     class MAIN is
113:        private const key:STR:= "qwertyuiop@asdfghjkl;zxcvbnm,"; -- key for XOR
115:        main(av: ARRAY{STR}) is
116:           if av.size=2 then
117:     	 plain:USUAL:= #;
118:     	 sixor:IMPORTANT:=#(key); 
119:     	 msg:STR:=av[1];                                    -- encrypt the first argument.
120:     	 plain_send:STR:=plain.send(msg); 
121:     	 plain_receive:STR:=plain.receive(plain_send);
122:     	 xor_send:STR:=sixor.send(msg);
123:     	 xor_receive:STR:=sixor.receive(xor_send);
124:     	 #OUT + "Cipher Test using \"" + msg + "\"\n\n";
125:     	 #OUT + "Plain send: " + plain_send + "\n";
126:     	 #OUT + "Plain receive: " + plain_receive + "\n\n";
127:     	 #OUT + "XOR send: " + xor_send + "\n";
128:     	 #OUT + "XOR receive: " + xor_receive + "\n\n";
129:           else
130:     	 #ERR + "Usage: crypt \'STRING\'\n";
131:           end;
132:        end;
133:     end; -- end of MAIN
Following shows the result.
$ sacomp crypt.sa -o crypt
$ ./crypt 'Welcome to Sather World.'
Cipher Test using "Welcome to Sather World."

Plain send: Welcome to Sather World.
Plain receive: Welcome to Sather World.

XOR send: (non graphical string)
XOR receive: Welcome to Sather World.

As the encryption algorithm is an abstract class, you can change the algorithm without changing other parts of the program.
If you wants AES, for instance, just modify line 99 like as follows.
99:        private attr cry:AES;

3. Equipped abstract classes

Following table shows frequently used abstracted classes equipped in Sather. See
The Online Sather Code Browser. You can find a detailed explanation and a graph that shows class relations.
Class Name Interface Explanation
$OB All classes are children of $OB.
$IS_EQ is_eq(e:$OB):BOOL; It returns true if self and e are equal.
$IS_LT is_lt(e:T):BOOL; It returns true if self is smaller than e. This is a subclass of $IS_EQ.
$IS_NIL is_nil:BOOL; It returns true if self is nil.
$NIL nil:SAME; It makes self nil.
$STR str:STR It converts self to a string. Most classes are subclass of $STR.
$NEF{NTP} abs, plus, minus, tiems, div, ... It is a class of algebra. Classes $NUMBER{NTP} and $CPX_NUMBER{ETP} are subclass of this.
$ELT elt!:$OB It defines iterator elt!. It is the parent of $ELT{T}.
$ELT{T} elt!:T It defines iterator elt! in practice.
$CONTAINER{ETP} copy, has, size It is a container class. Most of parameterized classes are subclass of this.
$HASH hash It calculates hash values. Only subclasses of $HASH can be keys of hash tables.

4. Summary

I have explained about the abstract classes using a simple cypher program. You can find the code in this chapter here. See Sather 1.1 : Language Essentials and The Online Sather Code Browser for detailed information.

I will explain about parameterized classes in the next chapter.

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