#! /usr/bin/env python """ button.py This demonstration script creates a toplevel window containing several button widgets. June 14, 2005 """ import Tkinter as Tk import template as A class Button(Tk.Button): """ Buttons to change bg of frames """ def __init__(self, master, obj, color_name, color_id): Tk.Button.__init__(self, master, text=color_name, width=15, command=self.command) self.obj = obj self.color_id = color_id def command(self): self.obj.demo_frame.config(bg=self.color_id) # self.obj.demo_buttons.config(bg=self.color_id) ######################################### # class Demo(A.Demo): # """a demo class """ # # def __init__(self, cmain): # A.Demo.__init__(self, cmain, __file__) # self.ini_frame() # # def ini_demo_called(self): # """ This method should be defined""" # self.ini_demo_called_0() # self.ini_frame() # # def ini_frame(self): ######################################### class Frame(Tk.Frame): def __init__(self, master=None): Tk.Frame.__init__(self, master) # self.demo_main_frame.master.title("Button Demonstration") # self.demo_main_frame.master.geometry('+50+50') self.master.title("Button Demonstration") self.master.geometry('+50+50') self.demo_frame=Tk.Frame(self) self.demo_frame.pack(side=Tk.BOTTOM, fill=Tk.BOTH, expand=1) label = Tk.Label(self, text= "If you click on any of the four buttons below, " "the background of the button area will change to the color indicated in the button." , width=35, wraplength='8c', font=('Helvetica', '14'), justify=Tk.LEFT) label.pack() for name, code in [('Deeppink', '#FF1493'), ('Cornflowerblue', '#6495ED'), ('Springgreen', '#00FF7F'), ('Gold', '#FFD700')]: b = Button(self.demo_frame, self, name, code) b.pack(padx=10, pady=5) ##------------------------------------------------ if __name__ == '__main__': f = Frame() f.pack() f.mainloop()